Monday, September 20, 2010

the spoiled prince

carson must be the center of attention. here he is sitting quite happily on my arm so i can't be on the computer (gotta love the time delay with the webcam). he is no longer a little puppy but still is not that big at 15lbs


Okay so I have put the background I want and got the text to show up, but now I need to change the width....maybe another day


so i am home sick from work and thought I would check on a blog or two which got me thinking about mine. I realized I have not posted in over a year so I am sure no one is following but still here I am. So I wanted to change the design of the blog using one of Basic Grey's lovely backgrounds and header, but alas i am so confused that now my blog looks a mess. Help!!! maybe a nap and then I can try again.